5 steps to set up your own vertical garden.

5 steps to set up your own vertical garden.

Most of us love green plants, but the regular maintenance and care.  And it gets hard to take care of the plants due to the considerable amount of time, money, and effort required. This is where artificial green walls become a better option.  Here are 5 steps to set up your own vertical garden for your home. 

Choose plants that are found in your region.

The initial step is to join right the plant types, styles, and shadings that are normal in your space. In this way, distinguish the plants that are local to your district and remember them for the fake divider. You can blend the various shades of green to make the fake plants and bushes look sensible. It is a suitable vertical garden idea for small space. 

Select your highlighting wall.

Let’s be honest, when we invest in a green wall we want people to like it and talk about it. Creating designs in a noticeable wall in exceptionally noticeable regions suit the region and can be effortlessly seen. For instance, sitting areas and halls are the best spots.


Add a floral appeal

However you really want to utilize the plants that are local to your area, you ought to be somewhat inventive while picking the shadings and examples you at last care about. 

Cover the whole wall



It might appear to be odd to you at first however the whole wall or segment covered with fake plants offers an enhancing expression and makes it look real. 

  • UV protection 

Numerous fake plants suppliers will propose that their boards are UV reasonable, in any case, regularly they have just made typical plastic plants look like being appropriate outside or they have added the most reduced conceivable measure of UV assurance to the plastics to reduce expenses. At Aavana Greens we utilize a lot of UV insurance inside the plastic to guarantee life span.