Benefits of Synthetic Grass, Eco friendly grass.

Benefits of Synthetic Grass, Eco friendly grass.

eco friendly grass, synthetic grass

One of the big questions consumers have about artificial grass is whether it’s more eco-friendly than real grass. It’s important to be an environmentally conscientious customer and we’d like to take this opportunity to put your mind at ease. Whilst nothing is 100% environmentally friendly, there are plenty of surprising ways artificial grass is greener than its natural counterpart. Synthetic grass is an excellent solution: maximizing the time spent enjoying the surface by minimizing the time required to maintain it.

One of the biggest advantages of synthetic grass is that it can be used in so many different ways – landscaping, sports fields, balconies, gyms, pathways, and play areas, to name a few. In this blog, we’ll dive into the ecological benefits of synthetic grass, and discuss how it compares overall to natural grass in terms of environmental impact.

The Ecological Benefits of Synthetic Grass

Synthetic turf has a lot of positive environmental credentials when compared to natural grass. It is often promoted as being a ‘green’ alternative. But what does this look like in real life?

Lower carbon emissions

The emissions from natural lawn mowing when done on a large scale, can have a significant impact on the environment. Of course, artificial grass is a clear solution to this issue because it doesn’t need mowing. Natural grass contributes to carbon emissions throughout its lifespan whereas carbon is only emitted during the manufacturing of artificial grass. Whilst natural grass does absorb carbon, the amount of carbon it absorbs is actually negated by the amount of energy that goes into its upkeep.

Water conservation

Grass needs water, that’s a given. This is where artificial turf surfaces have a major advantage over natural grass.
In most cases, you won’t need to water synthetic grass other than to clean it. Although there are some types of the synthetic turf that do perform better when watered, this water usage is generally significantly less than that needed to irrigate and maintain natural grass.
Furthermore, artificial grass installations always include some form of drainage. Some users choose to collect water runoff from their synthetic turf in order to reuse it. Because it doesn’t absorb moisture the way that natural grass does, rainwater (and the water you use for cleaning it) can be saved for something else.

Eliminates the need for toxic pesticides and fertilizers

Again, pesticides and fertilizers may not seem like a big deal when used in your backyard or local sports field, but it all adds to the bigger picture. It goes without saying that synthetic grass doesn’t need pesticides or fertilizers to keep it functional and looking good.

When you have a natural grass lawn, dozens of pounds of fertilizer, insecticide, and other harmful chemicals are used each year to help maintain its appearance. However, more than 60 percent of these lawn chemicals go to waste and contribute to chemical runoff. Not only is this runoff harmful to your kids and pets, but it also worsens water pollution that can sicken other humans and local wildlife in the area. By choosing to install artificial grass landscaping, you’re protecting local wildlife by eliminating your use of these toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants. Synthetic turf is completely non-toxic and doesn’t require any maintenance chemicals to stay looking beautiful and weed-free. It’s completely safe for kids and animals, so you can rest assured that you’re doing your part to protect every member of your local environment


When it comes to artificial grass it’s only natural to worry about sustainability, but did you know you can actually re-use artificial grass? Many people take their artificial turf with them when they move. The lifespan of artificial grass varies and is subject to external factors including natural wear but with proper upkeep, you might find your artificial lawn accompanying you from property to property for years to come.

It’s not living vegetation

Artificial grass doesn’t absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Natural grass provides habitats for living creatures like insects, plants, and other organisms which are essential to break down and recycle organic and inorganic products that fall into the grass.

But it’s also for this very reason why you will never have any problem with pests and insects in your artificial grass since they wouldn’t be able to survive under these conditions.


Synthetic grass doesn’t absorb water, unlike its counterpart. What it does is it simply drain it through the surface or along the ground into storm sewers. What’s nice about this is an infrastructure can be made or set up to harvest the water runoff.

The harvested water can then be used for other purposes such as watering plants and trees. While it can initially cost you, it’s worth noting it is an eco-friendly possibility.

Is artificial grass recyclable?
Artificial grass is beginning to look pretty good when compared to natural grass – but can we do better? The answer is yes.

Artificial Grass Made From Recycled Materials

Technology is always advancing in the synthetic grass game, and manufacturers are always looking for ways to improve the materials and processes in a way that reduces environmental impact. At Aavana Greens, we’ve focused on reducing the environmental impact of our products by using recycled and recyclable components in our artificial grass.

If you own a natural garden, you know how difficult it is to maintain and manage all year round. On the other hand, with eco-friendly artificial turf, you can have a beautiful landscape that requires little to no care and lasts for more than two decades. Our durable, natural-looking artificial grass is designed specifically for the domestic market making it completely eco-friendly.
Whether you need a surface solution for sports, leisure, or landscaping, our product range and expertise are second to none. Our experts are with you all the way, from selection to maintenance: we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service.

If you’re still wondering whether artificial turf is bad for the environment, then you can get in touch with us today – our team will explain everything in detail and provide you with the best possible and economical artificial turf solution. Visit our store or call us for more information.