Aavana Greens Pvt. Ltd. has a privacy policy that provides insight to its users on how it gathers and utilizes data from the users. This privacy policy applies to our website as a whole.
Personal identification information
We will require personal identification information from Users to exclusively connect them with our customized services, features, and resources that we make available for them on our website. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously.
We gather personal identification information from the Users only if they willingly submit such information. Users have the authority to reject the permission of their personal identification information; however, this will hinder them from engaging in our specific web activities.
Non-personal Identification Information
Our website will gather non-personal identification data about the users if they navigate through our webpage. This data will include their browser’s name, internet service provider, the type of device &operating system they are using to open our webpage.
Web browser cookies
Our website may use ‘cookies’ to improve user experience and relevance. User’s web browser adds cookies on their hard drive for better search experience and sometimes to track information about them. Users can change the cookies authorization level from the settings of their web browser.
To improve our Website
We continually aim to enhance our website features based on the information and feedback we receive from our users.
To process transactions
We will use the information that users provide when placing an order only to deliver the service regarding that order. We never share user’s information with 3rd parties except where it is necessary to provide the service.
To send periodic emails
User’s email address, used in the order processing, will only be used to send them notifications regarding the updates of their order. It may also be used to answer their queries.
How we protect your information
We protect your private data against disclosure by adopting appropriate data collection, storage, and processing methods and security measures. Sensitive and private data exchange between the Communication between our website and customer is fully encrypted.
Changes to this privacy policy
Aavana Greens Pvt. Ltd. has the right to update this privacy policy at any time. It is your responsibility to revisit this privacy policy page periodically to become aware of changes in it.
Your acceptance of these terms
By using our website, users accept our privacy policy and terms of services. Any changes in the terms of privacy policy after your verification will be notified to you and will require your acceptance again.