Decorate your office with artificial grass

Decorate your office with artificial grass

artificiaal grass, synthetic grass, office grasss

Keeping your house looking fresh and breezy with minimum effort is every homeowner’s dream. And who doesn’t want an office that feels like a bit of home, too?

It would not be surprising if you thought about utilizing grass when designing your office interior. After all, a little patch of green brings life to any space, and we all want our office space to be springing with vivid colors. However, real grass comes with limitations when used indoors; and we all know that all the dirt that comes with real grass can’t possibly contribute to the look you’re going for.

Synthetic turf is a perfect alternative for natural grass. Although natural grass is undoubtedly a great choice, artificial grass in Delhi actually has a lot of advantages over traditional plants. Mostly because you don’t have to water them and worry about slipping on wet floors. Artificial grass requires little to no maintenance, unlike natural turf. It’s also toxin and emission-free and will NEVER require the use of pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. This feature will come in handy especially when designing your home or office interior. Given the proper care, synthetic grass can last for a decade or more.

Compared to the resources allocated in maintaining real grass for the same timeframe, you can pretty much say that synthetic grass is not only a financially wise choice, it’s also more responsible, environmentally. Integrating synthetic grass into your interior design is easy, and we’ve come up with some references you can use once you start your own project.

1. Area Rug

Synthetic grass can be used as an area rug for just about any space. It blends well with earth tones and looks really classy against wooden floors. Perfect for adding a pop of color and a natural feel to your office room, this idea is as easy can get.

2. Office flooring

There’s nothing more calming than cool turf to walk on the moment you enter your office. Compared to cold, hard floors, synthetic grass adds a touch of warmth to any room, while giving an active vibe to your office interior. It kinda gives you motivating energy to be more productive!

3. Terrace Carpeting

Terraces are probably some of the most neglected spaces in several homes & offices, but they don’t have to be. With the right look and feel, they can easily become your favorite spot for relaxation. Adding synthetic grass to your terrace, plus a few more plants around can turn it into a small, personal, green getaway haven. Just pop a chair and foldable table in there and you’ve got yourself a workspace where you can lay back and think clearer!

4. On Your Desk Top

You don’t have to install artificial grass in the entire office to receive some of the benefits. You can even place small offcuts on your desk. It will certainly make your desk a much more inviting place to work.

5. Lounge Area Floor

Decorating your lounge area with synthetic grass will keep it from looking cold and harsh. You can run it along the sides, or have it at the center and the place will surely be more inviting! It can tone down hard corners and too neutral tones. We don’t want that boring finish, you know? We’re all about the amazing! Bring a little warmth to your space by adding grass, and not the dirty, needy type. Synthetic grass plus furniture (may it be minimalist, vintage, or contemporary) is a foolproof way of turning a lounge into a lounge. Give your space a renaissance by pushing it from looking bleak to absolutely sleek!

6. In the Canteen

The staff canteen is an ideal area to have fake grass installed. Many people spend their lunch breaks in the staff canteen and it’s very important for staff to use this time to recover from the morning’s work and prepare for the afternoon. Helping them to relax by creating a calm environment will certainly go a long way towards doing this.

7. In Meeting Rooms

Let’s face it, sometimes meetings can be dull affairs. People who don’t want to be there sitting around a table with others who have little to say. However, you can stimulate creativity by livening up your meeting room with artificial grass. It will boost mood and originality, and turn meetings into productive events.

8. In Reception Areas

First impressions are everything, for a business as much as for an individual.
Everyone from potential clients, your staff, nervous job applicants, or even just the milkman walks through your reception area before seeing any part of your office.

Artificial grass can have a lasting effect not only on your employees but on your customers, too. A lush green lawn beats a tired old carpet any day of the week. Bringing a little of the outdoors indoors will boost morale, increase productivity and make your office a more enjoyable place to work.

In short, it will help increase your profits. This makes artificial grass a very wise investment. Its wide range of uses means that every business can incorporate artificial grass somewhere in the office.

If you want your own turfed tract without the hassle, whether inside or out, Aavana Greens is here for you! We at Aavana Greens offer multiple types of synthetic grass designed to fit your every need. We also offer custom sizes of turf for your convenience. Find your perfect match with us!

The best thing about our collection is how various types and shapes of grass are utilized to better perform your intended use. Irresistible to touch and virtually maintenance-free, our turfs are eco-friendly and designed to minimize your carbon footprint. Because ultimately, we all desire to breathe quality and adapt to sustainability.

We here at Aavana Greens believe in the power of transforming your small slice of paradise into just that, only literally! You can now have a space that doesn’t just feel like an office for you, but to everyone else who has the privilege to enter. Be it your office, your house, or your business, grass in your space makes everything feel alive—especially those in it!

Please visit us if you would like further information on the types of artificial grass for office installation. Or visit at